Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jonah goes to Florida

{Postcard of Yael and Yoni in Florida}

Winter is a fun time for babies. They get to dress up in all sorts of layers to the point where they can barely move. That's not the case below. Here he is dressed up for his Santa Claus audition, or Satan's helper, depending on his mood. His pacifier (Moe-tzets [phonetically] in Hebrew) looks quite huge here. I don't know why that is. His head must be small this time of day. Regardless, he sure is cute.

Below is what Yoni looks like when he's crazy. I don't think I've ever seen him look like this other than on film (hmmm, what's the digital analog (no pun intended) for film). Doesn't he look like he has a tooth in his mouth? Or that he had teeth and lost them. Very strange, but yet still cute. Two cutes in two paragraphs. I hope this blog doesn't get cheesy.

Oral satisfaction. Yes, Yoni is enter the stage of "Hmm, what's this? I think I should put it in my mouth." Luckily he still doesn't quite have the dexterity to get most things there, but he's getting better every day. He was particularly successful during this shoot.

Here is Yoni not paying attention during story time; and look who is responsible for it. Bad Eema.

Yoni took his first trip out of the city and state two weekends ago. It was also his first trip on a plane. His first time to the ocean. His first time in A/C. His first time in a rental car. His first time in a pack-and-play. And his first time visiting his great Grandma Bess. We met Savta () Sandy there too and stayed with his great great aunt Sue. Below is a picture of GG Bess's first time holding Yoni (and a lamp; and half a dude).
GG Bess loved that Yoni likes to hold fingers; and Yoni was very happy to have such a nicely manicured finger to hold. I think this was his first time seeing a gold fingernail.

Below are 4 generations of Steins (GG's maiden name). How cool is that.

When two Tanner ladies battle and the battle is of rummy and the rummy's on the table and the table's in a parlor, that's what we call a Tanner lady rummy table parlor battle muddle fuddle. . . you get it; right? Damn those tweedle beetles!

Yoni and GG Bess have a moment.

Savta Sandy is having a chat with Earl E Bird. Yoni is very curious to know what Savta Sandy and Earl E are talking about. It looks very serious. I think Earl E might be in trouble for pooping in the luggage.

Below Yoni is having a frank discussion with Earl E about his inappropriate elimination, knowing something of the subject himself.

Savta Sandy and Earl E have made up; although she's still looking a bit distrustingly [yes, I made that word up] at him. Yoni served as arbitrator and we think he may have a great future in diplomacy or dispute resolution.

We had some excellent pizza on the Fort Lauderdale beach. Don't remember the name of the place, but the pizza folks were from Pittsburgh of all places. GG Bess had a whopping slice of pepperoni pizza (pp) -- the kosher kind. Yoni had a slice of cheese several hours later, if you know what I mean.

Abba inspects Yoni for traces of contraband pepperoni. None were found.

As it turns out, it wasn't just pepperoni Yoni was concealing. Apparently Yoni hooked up with some seedy characters at the airport who asked him to carry a "package" for them. He was caught by the Shitsu narcotic brigade and promptly taken to security. He was allowed to fly back with us, but was brought up on smuggling charges once he arrived to Chicago. Below is a mugshot taken by the Cook County sheriff's department. I still think he looks better in stripes than Lindsay Lohan. Remember crime doesn't pay, but does provide you with a free jump suit.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sababa and Moo Moo too

Wow am I behind. Yael posted a couple of pics from Mel and Mary's visit, but I just couldn't help myself and am posting some more. Below is a very proud grandpa (now Sababa (cool in Hebrew, or Saba Sababa (Grandpa cool?)) and Moo Moo, so named after having a dream that Yoni called her such. In between them is Yoni, who is still Yoni, except occasionally in song when he becomes Yoni macaroni, or Yoni bologna, or Yoni the one who rides on a pony. I'm not certain if it's a good or bad thing that Yoni rhymes with so many inappropriate descriptive words. Plus we have to explain that the bologna is soy-based bologna. That's generally followed by an explanation of what soy is, and it just goes down
hill from there. . . legumes, nitrogen fixing, photosynthesis, symbiosis, evolution, creationism, the spaghetti monster, etc.

Here is another bath picture of Yoni where I'm checking to see how soft Yoni's soft spot still is. Actually, that's a lie. Years ago I had thought I would be really worried about accidentally depressing a babies soft spot, but that turns out not to be the case. I rather enjoy it!

You known those two theater clowns, one laughing, one crying?

Grandpa with his grandkitty Grendel.

Yoni mocking Moo Moo. or vice-versa . .

Here's a pic of Yael, Dalia, Melsy, Moo Moo, and Yoni in front of the Robie House, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings (although I'm between them and the Robie House, so actually what you're seeing is a bit of the Robie House's outer wall and the University of Chicago Graduate Business school. ) Angelina [and other fans of The Wright 3], if you'd like to see better pictures of the Robie House, go here (<- click there).

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ride 'em Cowboy

Yoni had a visit from Sababa and Moo Moo recently, during which he was presented with a rocking horse--no doubt inspired by his John Wayne outfit (see previous post). Unfortunately, said outfit had been barfed upon days earlier, so the two have yet to meet...

Note the Detroit Tigers hat--not very equestrian, but a nice homage to Curtis Granderson's new 5-year contract with the Tigers--boy is Eema happy! Here's a better look:

As you may have noticed, Yoni is once again in the play-gym--and wearing an Elvis get-up. He has recently discovered his image in the play-gym mirror and has become obsessed with himself. We're not sure what to do with our little narcissist--it's all "me, me, me" now.

Here is Yoni enjoying story time with Sababa and Moo Moo:

Finally, and for no particular reason, GO BLUE! (Perhaps it's now obvious which one of us posted this?)