Below are some pics from Yoni's trip to E Lansing several weeks ago. Below is Saba Mort talking to Yoni about Midrash. It took a while for Yoni to get that Midrash had nothing to do with the itching on his belly.

Saba Mort and Yoni share a moment of play on the bed. Saba Mort had to take Yoni from the living room because he wasn't able to stop laughing at Ronit's MSU comment. Luckily, Yoni and Ronit can root for the Detroit Tigers together. By the way, baseball's opening days are today and tomorrow, so you might not see any additional posts until September.

We're back home now, although these pictures are still several weeks old (from the beginning of March)!
Yoni is an excellent airplane, but much like the frozen discs of urine from real airplanes, it is necessary to dodge the strings of drool that occasionally leak from his mouth. However, unlike frozen urine pucks, drooly spit in the eye isn't all that unpleasant.

I think Yoni finally figured out that it's him in the mirror, and well, it came as quite a surprise. What do you think?

Yoni had his first solid food today. We gave him spinach, although generally all the doctors suggest rice cereal. Perhaps spinach isn't recommended due to the possible interference with muscle development --- we were quite shocked by the acute and dramatic results. Yoni also spoke his first words today; they were something about a sailor man, and then he kept asking for Olive Oil.