While the title could very easily refer to a single event, in fact it is referring to both Yoni's first birthday (November 19th) and Thanksgiving (November 27th).
Instead of having a birthday, Yoni had a birth week. It started with a visit from his Saba and Savta and Aunt Ronit from East Lansing. . .

In addition to being read to, Yoni also had his very first piece of cake; a very yummy chocolate mocha cake made from scratch and with love from his loving Eema. Being a Hoffman, he of course loved it. However, I was very pleased that he was just as excited to have banana as cake, and when presented with both, he alternated between the two.

He looks a little guilty, no?

The next time Yoni's birthday was celebrated was on his actual birthday, Nov 19th, a Wednesday. I even took off a bit of work to mark the special occasion. It was a very intimate affair with just Yoni, myself, and Yael. Yoni (and we) got to have more cake! The happy birthday hat was donned, and Yoni got to open a couple of gifts we got for him (a bead rollercoaster and a wooden crane with various block shapes that can be lifted by the crane; thank you Ikea). Hopefully the paint isn't leaded. It's very tempting for unregulated toy makers to add lead to the paint, since it makes it shinier; and much like racoons to jewelry, or Gollum to the One Ring, we humans are naturally drawn to shiny things even though they may not be good for us (especially if we eat them).

Yoni liked the birthday hat even less than his winter hat.

Being a boy (and my son), he does like fire.
But happily didn't cry when it was blown out.
The new toys!
And for all of those of you who sent cards and think that we don't read them or that we don't show them to Yoni, this is for you. . . (notice that he seems to enjoy the cards as much, if not more, than the toys we got him). . .

(Please ignore the fact that the card is upside down).

The final birthday event in Chicago was a open house we hosted on Sunday. We supplied the mimosas and munchables, while the guest supplied Yoni playmates.
I think the pictures below do a poor job of relaying the craziness that was this party. Unfortunately, Yoni did not enjoy the party as much as we, and I think most of our guests did. We originally thought it was because he missed his morning nap, but later discovered after a couple of bouts of full-stomach-content vomits, that the poor bear was feeling nauseous (and no, he didn't even have any mimosa).

(He doesn't look too unhappy here; probably thanks to being held by one of his favorite peeps).
So the party ended up being a great statistical experiment. Although we didn't find out how many people have the same birthday, there were some very crazy connections that were discovered. For example, a sister of a good friend of Yael's ended up knowing two people at our party, one through Michigan connections and another though Chicago connections. And pictured below are Ashley and Julie, and their son Julian. At the party Ashley mentioned that I looked familiar; after a little "do you know - have you lived" questioning, we determined that she helped me select the wine for my and Yael's wedding in Ann Arbor. I thought that was pretty kooky. I'm sure these unforseen connections are not as unlikely as they appear, and that some sociologist or computer scientist could explain the phenomenon. I have some hypotheses, but that's the focus of this blog.
Yoni with one of his other favorite ladies. . .

The Onel clan sans Lauren
Hello to you too, Dan. . .
This actually wan't a posed shot, although it is very apropos. . .
Cousins Mark and Judy made the trek down from Roscoe Village to share in the chaos.
Finally Yoni can play with his toys in peace again.

Yoni succinctly summarizes the long day. . .

On to Thanksgiving. We drove to Erie on Wednesday. We got a late start because the night before, at about 3:30 in the morning, Yael became extremely nauseous and emptied the contents of her stomach into the appropriate receptacle (thank you Yoni for the stomach flu). While she felt quite a bit better after, she still felt pretty lousy the next day. So in the morning, while Yael worked on feeling better, I performed baby and packing duty, which takes quite a bit longer when it's done solo. Luckily the ride in was pretty uneventful, and other than having to make one or two more stops than usual to recaffeinate with Rockstar(TM) the ride went pretty quickly. Yoni is a great traveler, and really doesn't make the trip any more challenging except for requiring slightly longer rest stops for diaper changes, stretches, and refilling.
We got into Erie a little after 9pm, I think. Yoni changed into his jammies and hung out with Grammie for a bit, and even opened up a couple birthday gifts. . .

The next morning was Thanksgiving. You can see Yoni in his fancy duds below. Sababa couldn't stay away and came over to say hi to Yoni, allowing me to get one of the rare pictures of my parents together.

Grammie's slipper-boots are a bit too big.

Grammie, Peg, and Yoni enjoy a story before bed.

The unphotodocumented story of Thankgiving is 1) dinner was for the most part great. I decided to make a recipe from the Vegan Dad Blog. I had a couple of technical difficulties; first, we decide to use regular stuffing instead of the recipe from the blog, and unfortunately the "roast" tastes a lot like the stuffing, and I think the acidity from the cranberries would have helped mellow out the dish, and second, because of not having a large enough steamer, the "roast" ended up undercooked, which led the loaf to have a texture disturbing enough to Grammie that she nearly vomited. 2) Yael apparently passed the stomach bug on to me and I got to re-experience Thanksgiving dinner at about 5:30am. I subsequently gave the bug to Grammie. She amazingly still wants us to visit.
Below is Yoni "playing" with Tidbit. . .

The concept of gentle, and not pulling fur are still pretty foreign to Yoni, although we constantly try to convey them to him.

Yoni thought the stereo was pretty cool too. He liked the multimeida aspect of the flashing lights that were synchronized with the music. We'll have to take him to a Pink Floyd concert if they ever play again.

Yoni butt. . .

The end of another long day.
The next day Yoni and Yael went to Sababa and Moo Moo's for a family gathering and celebration of November birthdays, of which Yoni is a club member. I stayed home since I didn't feel well and didn't want to be a Typhoid Andrew. To Yael's chagrin, Yoni was apparently in a pretty grumpy mood for much of the party. I would like to think it was because I wasn't there, but in fact it probably had more to do with his poor napping. I think the pictures below demonstrate Yoni's mood pretty well, although others seem to still be enjoying him somehow.

The toy pictured below is now one of Yoni's absolutely favorite toys, and one of Yael's least, but alas toys are given with the child in mind, not their parents. I'm sure that Kim and Tim are looking forward to some just desserts.

A happy Yoni back in Chicago. . .

Instead of having a birthday, Yoni had a birth week. It started with a visit from his Saba and Savta and Aunt Ronit from East Lansing. . .
In addition to being read to, Yoni also had his very first piece of cake; a very yummy chocolate mocha cake made from scratch and with love from his loving Eema. Being a Hoffman, he of course loved it. However, I was very pleased that he was just as excited to have banana as cake, and when presented with both, he alternated between the two.
The next time Yoni's birthday was celebrated was on his actual birthday, Nov 19th, a Wednesday. I even took off a bit of work to mark the special occasion. It was a very intimate affair with just Yoni, myself, and Yael. Yoni (and we) got to have more cake! The happy birthday hat was donned, and Yoni got to open a couple of gifts we got for him (a bead rollercoaster and a wooden crane with various block shapes that can be lifted by the crane; thank you Ikea). Hopefully the paint isn't leaded. It's very tempting for unregulated toy makers to add lead to the paint, since it makes it shinier; and much like racoons to jewelry, or Gollum to the One Ring, we humans are naturally drawn to shiny things even though they may not be good for us (especially if we eat them).
Yoni liked the birthday hat even less than his winter hat.
Being a boy (and my son), he does like fire.
And for all of those of you who sent cards and think that we don't read them or that we don't show them to Yoni, this is for you. . . (notice that he seems to enjoy the cards as much, if not more, than the toys we got him). . .
The final birthday event in Chicago was a open house we hosted on Sunday. We supplied the mimosas and munchables, while the guest supplied Yoni playmates.
I think the pictures below do a poor job of relaying the craziness that was this party. Unfortunately, Yoni did not enjoy the party as much as we, and I think most of our guests did. We originally thought it was because he missed his morning nap, but later discovered after a couple of bouts of full-stomach-content vomits, that the poor bear was feeling nauseous (and no, he didn't even have any mimosa).
The Onel clan sans Lauren
Yoni succinctly summarizes the long day. . .
On to Thanksgiving. We drove to Erie on Wednesday. We got a late start because the night before, at about 3:30 in the morning, Yael became extremely nauseous and emptied the contents of her stomach into the appropriate receptacle (thank you Yoni for the stomach flu). While she felt quite a bit better after, she still felt pretty lousy the next day. So in the morning, while Yael worked on feeling better, I performed baby and packing duty, which takes quite a bit longer when it's done solo. Luckily the ride in was pretty uneventful, and other than having to make one or two more stops than usual to recaffeinate with Rockstar(TM) the ride went pretty quickly. Yoni is a great traveler, and really doesn't make the trip any more challenging except for requiring slightly longer rest stops for diaper changes, stretches, and refilling.
We got into Erie a little after 9pm, I think. Yoni changed into his jammies and hung out with Grammie for a bit, and even opened up a couple birthday gifts. . .
The next morning was Thanksgiving. You can see Yoni in his fancy duds below. Sababa couldn't stay away and came over to say hi to Yoni, allowing me to get one of the rare pictures of my parents together.
Grammie, Peg, and Yoni enjoy a story before bed.
Below is Yoni "playing" with Tidbit. . .
The concept of gentle, and not pulling fur are still pretty foreign to Yoni, although we constantly try to convey them to him.
Yoni butt. . .
The end of another long day.
A happy Yoni back in Chicago. . .