Cutting fingernails can be dangerous!!
Ever since I first tried to cut Jonah's fingernails at the hospital and accidentally cut into his cuticle and made him bleed, Yael has been understanding and has taken over the nail cutting responsibility. However, as can be seen in the photo below, Yael has become even more careless than I had been. Not only did she cut into his cuticle, but completely removed all the tissue from Yoni's hands all the way to his wrist. How this happened twice still befuddles me.G & Y
Below is evidence of the improving relationship between Yoni and Grendel. Grendel has become much better at tolerating Yoni's bouts of screaming, and is now sharing story time with him as is seen below. Yoni has primarily ignored Grendel; my guess is that Grendel will not be pleased when Yoni takes more notice of him, but we'll see.Faces
Below are some of my favorite recent pictures of Jonah. All of these expressions occurred within several minutes of each other. He has many other less happy faces, but we don't seem to be inclined to run and get the camera when these occur. That said, when he starts to get upset he puffs out his lower lip, at which we can't help laughing. He rewards our misinterpretation of his cue with a hearty wail (no pun intended).Here are a couple of nice pics of Yoni and Yael napping together. I have no idea how Yoni got himself into this pose. It sort of looks like he fell asleep reading the pillow, but I don't think that's what happened.

Grendel has a new habit of dressing Yoni up when we aren't around. We had thought Yoni was doing it, but here we caught G in the act (He's also the one who reads the trashy magazines; Yael reads the Economist and the Utne Reader).

Grendel has a new habit of dressing Yoni up when we aren't around. We had thought Yoni was doing it, but here we caught G in the act (He's also the one who reads the trashy magazines; Yael reads the Economist and the Utne Reader).
Yoni hits the bottle
Below is a picture of Yoni's very first drink from a bottle (other than the Manischewitz from his bris). Given that Yael will be teaching in the spring and that every now and again I will have to do supplemental feeding, we needed to make sure that Yoni would be o.k. drinking from a bottle, and not be a boob snob and turn has nose up to the artificial nipple as can happen. We followed either Sears or the AAPs advise, and I tried to feed Yoni with Yael out of sight. Yoni was crying because he was hungry and when I stuck the bottle's nipple into his mouth, he was not impressed, thinking I was just trying to pacify him. I give him a couple of squirts from the nipple, and he figured out what was going on right away. He polished the bottle off in about 3-4 minutes (~3 oz or so), but was still hungry. I was out of ammo, so Yael took over. The lessons learned were: 1) Yoni likes drinking from the bottle, 2) Yoni probably wants more than 3 oz per feeding, 3) Yoni eats much more quickly from the bottle (a commonly known fact). FYI, did you know nipples come in different speeds --- just like squash balls?, 4) It will probably be very wise for me to make Yoni stop occasionally when bottle feeding, 5) I may not have boobs, but in a pinch, armed with a bottle full of milk, I will suffice come feeding time.
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