Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sababa and Moo Moo too

Wow am I behind. Yael posted a couple of pics from Mel and Mary's visit, but I just couldn't help myself and am posting some more. Below is a very proud grandpa (now Sababa (cool in Hebrew, or Saba Sababa (Grandpa cool?)) and Moo Moo, so named after having a dream that Yoni called her such. In between them is Yoni, who is still Yoni, except occasionally in song when he becomes Yoni macaroni, or Yoni bologna, or Yoni the one who rides on a pony. I'm not certain if it's a good or bad thing that Yoni rhymes with so many inappropriate descriptive words. Plus we have to explain that the bologna is soy-based bologna. That's generally followed by an explanation of what soy is, and it just goes down
hill from there. . . legumes, nitrogen fixing, photosynthesis, symbiosis, evolution, creationism, the spaghetti monster, etc.

Here is another bath picture of Yoni where I'm checking to see how soft Yoni's soft spot still is. Actually, that's a lie. Years ago I had thought I would be really worried about accidentally depressing a babies soft spot, but that turns out not to be the case. I rather enjoy it!

You known those two theater clowns, one laughing, one crying?

Grandpa with his grandkitty Grendel.

Yoni mocking Moo Moo. or vice-versa . .

Here's a pic of Yael, Dalia, Melsy, Moo Moo, and Yoni in front of the Robie House, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings (although I'm between them and the Robie House, so actually what you're seeing is a bit of the Robie House's outer wall and the University of Chicago Graduate Business school. ) Angelina [and other fans of The Wright 3], if you'd like to see better pictures of the Robie House, go here (<- click there).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos of the Robie House, presumably sorta for us, as we would love to see that place some day (though not as much as we are dying to meet Yoni!!!)