Monday, December 31, 2007

Yael reads Yael's House

Yael's been working very hard to speak Hebrew to Yoni. This includes reading stories in Hebrew from books Safta Aviva has given him. One of Yoni's (and Yael's) favorite stories is about a little girl named Yael who tries to find a new play house to live in. After graduating from the houses you'd typically expect a child to "live" in (e.g. under the dining room table), she looks for more adventuresome housing outside the house. Every time she finds a new place she asks: "Who lives here? A cat, a dog, a horse. . ?" etc.

Below is a short movie of Yoni enjoying story time with his Eema. Enjoy. . .

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jonah's blog is finally up

So I have new good excuse for not having anything up sooner than today. Jonah has been supplying plenty of "bloggable" material, although I'm still undecided about how much pee-poo content is appropriate. While you wait for more interesting posts to arrive, have a look at some very cute pictures of Jonah's first couple weeks of life. They can be found here (<-there)

Enjoy and stay tuned,
Andrew and Yael

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jonah arrives to Nineveh (Chicago)

After a 10 month journey, Jonah finally arrived . . .

I (Andrew) had a little chat with Jonah, when he was still only known as Sesame, on Saturday night (already 5 days past his due date) and explained to him that it would be great if he could come out the next day, but that he should perhaps not begin his journey until around 10am or so, so that Yael could have a good night's sleep with which to begin labor.

Yael and I awoke around 9:30 or 10 on Sunday morning and she mentioned that she slept relatively poorly and had cramps during the night. In addition, she said she thought she might be having contractions now. I measured the time between contraction --- about 3.5 minutes apart. We decided that if, by chance, Yael really was in labor, of which we were not convinced since we were both certain that she would have to be induced the following weekend, that she would need a good carby breakfast with which to fuel her labor. I made us chocolate banana walnut pancakes --- yum!

To make a long story short, Yael was not experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions, and after a long walk, laboring with with our doula Isabelle, frightening our neighbor with a moaning contraction in the front hallway, water breaking outside U of C hospital, and a total of 15+ hours of labor Jonah came dramatically into our lives.

Our hope is that this blog will be a chronicle of Jonah, a.k.a. Yoni, and our journey together, and provide us with a way of sharing pictures and stories with friends and family.